Religious Education and O.C.I.A.

If you are interested in learning more about Religious Education and O.C.I.A., please contact our Religious Education Director, Daphne Sutton, via email or phone.

Mary Queen of Peace Parish Religious Ed (Pre-K through 6th Grade)

We at Mary Queen of Peace Parish teach from the Catholic program entitled Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

Enrollment requires forms to be filled out. They can be downloaded below:

Religious Education Registration Form  -and- Photograph and Video Consent Form

Mary Queen of Peace Parish Youth Group (7th through 12th grade)

We have a very dynamic youth group. We are an enthusiastic, fun-loving core team of adult leaders who believe that learning can fun and that having a relationship with Jesus is necessary.

We frequently do service outreach in our faith community and in the local community at large. Our big annual project is Living Stations of the Cross, which is presented on Good Friday. Anyone in junior high, or high school is welcome to attend at any time. We also welcome any parents, grandparents, etc., to come and help out, or to just sit in and see what we are doing. Come build your personal relationship with Jesus and meet other teens that want to do the same! Youth Group requires the same forms as the younger set. (see above).

O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)

OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults and it is the process through which people both young and older can learn about the Catholic faith.  It is a person’s first step towards joining or completing an initiation into the Catholic Church. OCIA is for people who have not been baptized, those baptized in another Christian religion and desire to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, or for those who simply wish to learn more about the Catholic faith.  OCIA has several stages of formation that are designed to be open and pressure-free.  Our classes are relaxed and there is plenty of time for questions and open discussion.

What is the difference between OCIA and RCIA?
RCIA is now called OCIA. During their November 2021 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meetings,  the U.S. Bishops changed the name of the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) to Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). This name change reflects the Catholic Church's desire to return to the most accurate and precise English translations from previous Latin texts.

What if I would like some more information or to sign up?
Feel free to contact Fr. José Márquez or Daphne Sutton with any questions. Fr. Marquez can be reached via phone or email. Daphne can also be reached via phone or email. They will have you fill out this form in order to evaluate you as a candidate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who must attend OCIA?
People who have not received the sacrament of Baptism must attend OCIA for an extended period — ideally, a year, and preferably longer. The length of the process depends greatly on your readiness for the reception of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

I’m already baptized in another denomination. Do I need to attend OCIA?
That depends. The Catholic Church doesn’t re-baptize people who are already baptized. If you are baptized but never received any instruction in the faith, you should receive instruction now and finish any sacraments you didn’t complete. We strongly recommend OCIA, even if you have been well instructed in another faith tradition, since you will need to learn how the beliefs and practices you grew up with differ from the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church.

I think I was baptized, but am not sure. What kind of information do I need to join OCIA?
If your church or congregation kept records, you’ll need to obtain a copy of your baptismal record — a certificate or a letter from the pastor there. Because locating records can be difficult or time-consuming, you should try to obtain these records as early in the process as possible. We must see these records to confirm your baptismal status before you’re received into the Church. If your church or congregation did not keep records or no longer exists, we can discuss this privately.

I’ve been divorced but am not remarried. Can I become Catholic?
Yes!  Unless you plan to marry, you do not need to obtain an annulment. If you are planning to remarry, you will need to have your prior marriage reviewed to see if you can be declared free to marry in the Catholic Church.

I’ve been divorced and am remarried, and my spouse is divorced and remarried. Can I become Catholic?
You and your current spouse need to begin the annulment process, and you should begin it as soon as possible even if your spouse is not considering entry into the Church. Please contact Fr. Jose for information on how to proceed. Of course, you can attend our OCIA instructions while the annulment process is ongoing, but reception into the Church has to wait until the annulment process has been completed.

What is the cutoff date for joining OCIA?
Currently, OCIA starts the first Thursday after Labor Day in September and runs through the weekend of Pentecost (about 10 months later). Unbaptized persons who have had no previous religious instruction should join as early as possible, and are encouraged to take more than the 10-month period. For other people, the “cutoff date” depends on your faith level and readiness to receive the sacraments.

How long does OCIA last?
Inquiry sessions (also known as Pre-Catechumenate) take place all year long. Inquiry is designed to help you decide whether you want to continue, since OCIA is a serious commitment. Please note that although Baptism and reception into the Church occur at Easter, OCIA does not end until Pentecost. This is a time for you to consolidate what you have learned, and to explore more about life in the Catholic Church. All new Catholics who complete OCIA are urged to attend Neophyte sessions.

My schedule doesn’t permit me to attend your sessions. What should I do?
We may be able to arrange catechesis in a private setting with our pastor, Fr. Jose, or with our director of religious education, Daphne Sutton. Contact Daphne Sutton via phone or email with questions or concerns regarding your availability.

I heard I need a sponsor in order to become Catholic. What is that, and how do I get one?
A sponsor is a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church who accompanies you on your journey through OCIA. The sponsor has the job of helping you through the process, and of verifying at the main rites that you are ready to take the next step. For baptism, the sponsor may become your godparent, with more serious responsibilities toward the catechumen being sponsored. Or you may choose someone else to be godparent. If you don’t know anyone, the parish will provide a sponsor for you.

I know who I want my sponsor to be, but that person doesn’t live locally and can’t attend sessions. Can that person still be my sponsor?
Yes. However, we will provide someone locally to represent that sponsor, accompany you on an ongoing basis and instructions and the rites with you. At the Easter Vigil, the sponsor you prefer will then stand in the local person’s place as your official sponsor.

I have children. Do you provide child care?
Unfortunately, no. If you need child care, you should arrange your own, or (if your children are well behaved) you can bring them to instructional sessions.

How old should a person be to attend OCIA?
Technically, old enough to understand what is being taught.  For children of catechetical age (ages 7 to 18), we can provide catechists for their grade level.

What texts do you use and how do I get them?
We use Foundations in Faith, the Scriptures, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  We provide other materials — a syllabus of subjects covered, handouts, and occasionally printed materials, as well.

2024 Schedule

Tuesdays, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Pre-K
(3-6 year olds)

Thursdays, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
(1st through 6th grade)

TBD by available volunteers
Mary Queen of Peace Youth Group
(7th through 12th grade)

Thursdays, 6:30pm
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults