The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is the first sacrament of Christian initiation. This sacrament is the foundation for all ministry and life in the church, and confers a commitment to follow Christ and spread his message throughout the world. Furthermore, in baptism, one is incorporated into the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, and thus participates in the gift of resurrection and eternal life with Christ. It is the sacrament that frees a person from original sin and makes that person a member of Christ and His Church, thus being the way to a new and spiritual life. One must be baptized before sharing in any of the other sacraments.
Infants can be baptized soon after birth. At the time of baptism, parents vow to practice their faith and provide a Catholic upbringing for the child. Adults and children over the age of seven who have never been baptized take part in the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults), and will typically be baptized at the Easter Vigil.
Baptism for Infants and Children Under Age 7
Fr. José Marquez, Pastor
Email or Phone
Our Bishop Fleming, Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, requests that parents bringing their child for baptism must attend a minimum of two baptism preparation classes (in Mary Queen of Peace Parish usually first Thursday night of the month).
Godparents must also attend a class here at Mary Queen of Peace Parish. Godparents must also be verified by their pastor or his delegate as a Catholic meeting the requirements for being a Godparent.
All documentation must be received at least two weeks prior to the baptism, or the baptism will be rescheduled.
Baptism is usually celebrated during Sunday Mass by first anointing the child with the blessed Oil of Catechumens, then by immersion in water or by pouring water on the child’s head while the words “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” are said. The child is then anointed with Sacred Chrism, and a lit candle is presented to the Godparents (which symbolizes the child is a new creation, enlightened by Christ).
Baptisms are generally celebrated during the Mass and throughout the calendar year. We do not celebrate baptisms during Lent.
Baptism for Adults & Children Ages 7 to 18
Fr. José Marquez, Pastor
Email or Phone
Adults preparing for baptism go through a process known as the Order of Christian Initiations of Adults (O.C.I.A) which is a new translation of the process from the original Latin text. It was formerly referred to as RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults up until December 1, 2024. Persons discerning their call to become Catholic generally attend classes for one year prior to the Easter Vigil. Sometimes adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil, and receive the sacrament of Confirmation immediately after their baptism. Adults then receive Eucharist for the first time during the same liturgy. For more information, including a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding OCIA, please visit our Religious Education page.
Children who are of catechetical age (ages 7 to 18) can be provided with catechetical training for their particular grade level.
Classes will be held according to a candidate’s availability.